We are a Green School!! What does that mean?!

Canyon Creek is a Level 1 Green School as assessed by the King County Green Schools Program. This is a big accomplishment for our school and in order to maintain our level (and hopefully improve it in the future), we’d like to share with you opportunities you can help us be green on campus!

  • In the Classroom, for example, you’ll see this sign (pictured below) posted near the recycling bin, usually near the door of the classroom. It is important to help students understand the proper place for all materials - trash or recycle bin & this sign will help.
  • In the Lunchroom, there are bins for students to dispose of their trash & recyclables. We would encourage your students to bring reusable cutlery, containers & water bottles, if possible, as this will help us eliminate some of our overall waste. To earn this title and to maintain it, requires a lot of collaboration within our school community.

The school's Green Team, consisting of 3rd and 4th grade student volunteers, work hard to ensure our recycling & sorting efforts are in line. Applications recently came home so be sure to have your child send theirs in by Friday, October 4th, if they are interested in supporting green efforts across campus.

Read more about being a green school here: www.kingcounty.gov/GreenSchools.