Election at October Membership Meeting

Tuesday, October 18, 7pm Meeting

Canyon Creek MultiPurpose Room (in Building F)

We will try to fill the open positions on our board at the October 18, 2022 Membership meeting.

We will accept nominations from the floor for

  • President,
  • Secretary*
  • VP-Communications. 

All nominees MUST be:

  • 18 years of age or older and
  • a PTA member for at least 15 days prior to the election.

We currently have an appointed President (Nicole Trimble) and an appointed VP-Communications (Stephanie Lund) - so we can keep our work of the PTA moving. They will likely self-nominate for those positions, but other nominees will be accepted.

*Note about Secretary: We are working to find a new Secretary. Our current secretary is looking for a replacement as they are also the President of Skyview Middle School PTSA and would like to focus more time on that role.

Click here to find job descriptions for each of the elected board positions.


Reach out to the anyone on the current board if you have questions about any roles.

President (appointed)

Nicole Trimble


Vice President: Programs

Suzanne Subbarao


Vice President: Communications (appointed)

Stephanie Lund



Patricia Black



Jake Tadema



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