Column Art Project at Canyon Creek

Winter/Spring 2022

Excerpt from January 2022 Canyon Creek Crier:

Have you visited campus lately? If you have been to the main office, you may have noticed that one of the columns between the gym and the main office has been painted by some of our Brazilian families. The greeting “Bem Vindos” welcomes visitors to campus on one side, while the Brazilian flag adorns two other sides. Around the base of the column, students’ handprints make colorful flowers and butterflies. Thank you so much to Mellissa Portes Deolindo and Elisangela Deolindo for organizing the project and thank you to our Brazilian students and families for painting and launching the column project.

The beautiful Brazilian column is exciting on its own, but even more exciting is that we have many columns around the campus that are just waiting to be painted to reflect our wonderful students and families. As the weather warms up and dries out in the spring, we plan to move forward with more painting. Columns could reflect different countries, student activities (e.g., chorus, cross country or math club), or maybe you have your own idea that will help showcase our fantastic school community.

Interested in sharing your idea or sharing your interest so you can be kept in the loop? Please complete this quick Google form and we will keep you updated. I can’t wait to hear our families’ ideas and watch this project unfold!


This is a SCHOOL project.
Canyon Creek PTA is supporting Canyon Creek Elementary by helping put the word out to our community.