Fundraising Development Committee

Canyon Creek Elementary held a fundraiser earlier this school year (Apex Fun Run) which has provided funding for programs that benefit all of our students and the school in general - mostly for things that the PTA raised money for in prior years. Due to a policy change at the the district level, Canyon Creek Elementary has been informed that they can not hold a fundraiser during the school day.

In order to ensure the students and school continue to benefit from and enjoy these (and any other) programs, our PTA would like to come up with a fundraising plan for the 2019-20 school year.

We do have a few people already on board, but would LOVE a few more to help come with ideas for our school community. This doesn't obligate you to RUN any fundraiser, but if we get ideas and can come up with HOW it might work, we hope to be able to find people to work together to chair the event(s).

Please email Melanie Mckenzie if you want to help!